Thursday, August 22, 2013

Can wishes really come true??

So my little girl comes into my room tonight just after I tucked her in.  She says mom… Yah sweetie… Well, you know how you make a wish on the star at night?  Yah…..Well,…. what happens if you make that wish night after night and it never comes true?

Pause….At this point I am thinking ..okay, this is one of those times I need to think of the perfect something to say, make it quick and make it good.  Its needs to be memorable and exactly what she wanted to hear.  The first thought that came to my mind was reciting something I heard from a Disney movie. 

Well, you know Molly, a wish will only get you half way. You have to work hard to make your best wishes come true…

What do you mean?

Well, I mean a wish is your desire, your dream, in order to make it come true you have to work for it.  Try hard to make it happen.

Well, I don’t know how I could do that…

Another pause, at this moment, I realize I know what her dream is.  Her dream is to fly. She wants to soar through the air like the birds, sit on clouds and dance among the tree tops. I know this is her dream because I’ve heard her talk about it a million times.  Because it was my dream when I was her age.

Well, some wishes Molly, are meant to come true only in our dreams.  What’s your dream?…..To fly?….

Yah, its been my dream for a long time.  And I know you can only fly with wings or pixie dust…….. 

Or, in your dreams…


Let me show you.  Just lay down.  I helped her to lay down on the bed.  Now, close your eyes.

Sigh, Mom…

Trust me, close your eyes……

I smoothed her hair out of her face, I stroked my finger along her forehead…

There you are, outside in the backyard, beneath the Maple. You look down and see your toes nestled in the cool grass. You look up and see the blue sky.  Its a perfect blue sky, the exact blue that beckons to you. You raise your hands up high and tilt your head to the sky, You can feel your feet leaving the earth, leaving the cool grass as your feet slowly pick up off the ground.  You can see yourself getting higher and higher closer to the tops of the trees. You fly your body around in circles, your toes dancing off the leaves.  And then you spring up, even higher and higher you go, the wind pressing against your face, your hair billowing behind you.. until there you are, flying around in the clouds. The perfect clouds, the kind that look like there made out of marshmallow.  You turn around and sit down onto the cloud and you sink into it, like your sitting on a huge pile of feathers. You throw yourself back and lay down and as you do , you can see whispers of the cloud float off into the air.  You move your arms up and down as if to make a snow angel, feeling the clouds airy softness.  You roll all around in sheer delight, nothing but blue sky and clouds all around you. When you decide, you lift yourself off and fly back down to the maple where you can hear the birds singing. You stop, and you look at the birds, you look them right in the eye and surprisingly they smile at you, they smile at you because at that moment they know.  They know what it is that you now know.  Something so incredibly special. And you smile back.

You let yourself come back to the earth, slowly falling down until your toes have met the smooth, cool grass once more.

So, could you see yourself flying….

With a big smile, Yah….

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