Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Living Room Design

My living room has been a work in progress for quite sometime now as you can probably tell by some of my previous posts.  The walls are painted  a pale blue which I am bitter-sweet about.  There are times during the day I truly love this color and the effect it has on the room.  However, there are other times during the day it seems a little too grey and bleak; kinda like a rainy, over cast day. This is the effect that I'm really trying hard to over come and make go away.  This spring I am looking forward to bringing in some natural elements like bamboo blinds and a natural fiber rug to warm it up.  Also I have some work- in-progress wall art that I'll be doing in a dark walnut stain.  I’ve seen some low cost ideas that are really intriguing me right now like drop cloth curtains and pillow covers that may add a nice effect.  We'll see, but for now this is what I'm working with:

What do you think of the red curtains?  Obviously, I need new curtain rods....darn grommets!!

The lamp shades are a project from last summer as well as the pillow covers.  Clearly, they've been washed a few times.  Kids you know!!

I had several different colors of ribbon and fabric wrapped around the shades until I settled on this combo.  I thought it matched both the walls and the curtains best.  (oops, I spy an imperfection in the wall.......Oh Husband......)

The ‘B’ monogram wall art is a project from last fall.  I wanted something that would go with the lamp shades and also something quick to slap up on the wall before Thanksgiving guests arrived!  As you can probably tell I drew the ‘B’ free hand and then cut it out.  Not too bad though!!  One of these days I might actually print off a stencil and do it right. Who knows?! 

Well, that’s my living room in a nutshell.  It’s getting there but still needs plenty TLC.  Oh, and its not the brightest room in the house which is a cause for some of its dilemmas.  I’ve had some ideas for better color choices since we've painted but were really not ready to re-paint quite yet.  What’s your living room like?  Is it a work in progress or do you have the living room of your dreams? Please, do tell!!



  1. Love your living room! Like your wall color I think it was a great choice because it is pretty neutral and you can mix many colors with it. The red curtains look great!

  2. Hi Ivy, I really like the red curtains! Where did you get them!? those would be perfect in my house. My house has a mixture of red, olive, golds, and tans in a rug that merges my living room and kitchen, so this would be perfect!! :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog with your sweet words!

    1. Loved your blog!! I got the curtains a few years ago at pier 1 imports. Your rug sounds beautiful!


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