Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Finding some geometric art inspiration

This Sunday I plan to do a few chores around the house and yard and then spend some time designing greeting cards for the upcoming holiday season.  I did a little search this morning for some inspiration.  I found a great stamping tutorial by Emmadime that you should check out if stamping might be your thing.

Geometric design inspiration

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Washi tape in the kitchen

I painted the walls in my kitchen way back in the early spring and I couldn't be more in love with the color.  It's an awesome grey-ish green shade called techno grey, from Sherwin Williams.  After nailing the right paint color, I had visions of colorful artwork in white frames finishing up the walls. I've seen such beautiful inspiration for this idea on DIY blogs like this one and this one and it definitely seems the direction I want to go in.  I've been thinking and thinking about what I like and trying to save our pennies for just the right materials.  In the process of saving for this project, I realize our kitchen is due for a major overhaul someday and until then I'm just trying to make it a place I feel happy in and enjoy until that day comes. I've decided it's a good time to perhaps step out of my comfort zone and use this time to also experiment with things I wouldn't normally do.  Like use washi tape as picture frames instead of going out for nice white ones right now.  I've seen it on pinterest and thought it was such a cute idea for a work space, I wondered how it work in a kitchen.  So, I've decided to give it a try in mine.

Here's my kitchen after making the attempt:

I added some detail to the door as well after seeing it done in neon pink also on pinterest.  I'm still in the phase of 'I think I need to live with it a while' but part of me really likes it!  My fear is that it may give the kitchen somewhat of an immature look.

 I've also been playing around with a family command wall in the kitchen and did a calender in the washi tape as well.

I like it.  Perhaps not long term but for now I'm enjoying it and so are the kids.  There drawn to the color and that was ultimately my goal; to add color and style.  What do you think?

Images: All Ivy Bingham for My ruffled life

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Decorating

To warm up and cozy up my decorating for fall I've fallen in love with a few simple items.  Gold!!?? Yes, please!! I'm completely smitten with it and I've been using it everywhere!  Weather it be in the form of spray paint or a metallic sharpie, it's helping me add warm and elegant touches all through out my home.  Washi tape is the other fabulous home decorating accessory that has hit me like a tidal wave.  There is only like, um....a MILLION uses for it!

 Fall Decorating

1. Krylon Premium gold spray paint.
2. Metallic Sharpies.
3. Japanese washi tape.

Images: Polyvore collage by Ivy Bingham