Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Winter Display

I love decorating with pine cones around the holidays.  They're so festive and perfect for that time of year.  Now that the holidays are gone, I've still decided to keep a basket of them around for a while.  Don't get me wrong, I can't wait 'till spring but I'm trying to keep my patience and wait for it......juuust wait for it.

Winter is here in New England for at least another month.  We might as well make the best of it. 

That greenery you see, I picked it shortly before Thanksgiving.  I can't believe how well it has lasted. 


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Twine Vase's

Hey Everyone!!  Spring is on it's way and I've gotten back into the groove with some DIY projects.  The first one I've conquered are these lovely little vase's.  I love them because of the natural texture. They're great because they were super easy to make!

I started with two clear vases, some twine and my hot glue gun.  I cleaned the vases up good because they have been sitting up in my attic for quite some time.

I put a dab of glue on the bottom of the vase and then wound the twine tightly around.  Every so often I would stop to sort of pinch the twine together to avoid gaps also to add a dab of glue. 

Soon it looked like this.  What do you think?  You can stop how ever far up on the jar you want to give it your own look. 

 I set them on my dining room table for display.  I can't wait to have some spring blooms to add to them!


I linked up with these linky parties:
 Keeping It Simple

Somewhat SimpleCatch a Glimpse Buttonshabby creek cottage The Shabby Nest 504 Main

UndertheTableandDreaming {nifty button}

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Living Room Decor

I've been shopping around gathering ideas for our living room.  The goal is to warm up the space and give it a bit of a cozier feel. I want to walk in the room and feel alive yet secure and cozy.  Do you know what I mean?????  It seems easy enough but its been almost exhausting figuring out how to accomplish this goal.  I'm really happy with the pale blue walls but at the same time I'm not.  I need to figure out how to make them work.  Here are some of the items I've come across so far...
Living room decor

1.Amy Butler fabric.  Love the fun and colorful design.

2.Bamboo blinds.  I like the warm look they give to the windows.

3.Jute Rug from natural area  I think this will act as a nice foundation for the white slip covered sofa and love seat. 

4.More Amy Butler fabric.  This of course compliments the above fabric I'm thinking about. 

Still much to think about and more ideas and shopping around to do.